Trouble in your Important Relationships?

End Your Relationship Troubles Today


Are you in a relationship that was once loving but is now painful?
Do you feel you and your partner are drifting further and further apart?
Do you feel lost and don’t know how to get back the love you once had?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, Marriage Therapy could be the answer for you. Marriage and committed relationships have the capacity to be a source of great pleasure or great pain.  Where is your relationship between those two extremes?

Are you dealing with recurring arguments that never get resolved? Do you go over and over the same thing and never get satisfaction? Are you are experiencing blaming, emotional distancing, or other distressing issues. Do your problems stem from financial trouble, communication difficulties, different approaches to child rearing, career pressures or any of a myriad of other issues? Marriage Counseling can help you better cope with or eliminate issues like these and many others.

To make an appointment click the "Click Here To Schedule Now" button above or call (916) 850-5084.

You may think prolonged distress from such problems is unavoidable, inevitable or unsolvable; that this may be how marriages or long term relationships “end up” after many years of being together. The truth is that relationships should get stronger and more nurturing as time goes by, even into old age, despite the challenges that life brings. Couples should feel more comfortable and enjoy each other’s company more, not less, as time goes by.

Maybe you can relate to some of these statements:

  • We keep talking but we don’t understand each other
  • We used to get along very well but now we almost never see things the same way
  • I feel so alone and isolated in this relationship
  • We feel so much anger and hurt we can’t talk to each other
  • We try to resolve issues but the problems keep coming back
  • I want to get close again but I just don’t trust him/her
  • We have stopped showing affection to each other
  • We try to talk things out, but we just end up arguing

When you’re dealing with the same issues over and over again you can start to lose hope for a happy relationship.

You can stop the cycles of distress and get back to a happy relationship. I specialize in working with couples who are experiencing distress. The processes I work with are highly effective evidenced-based Marriage and Family Therapy techniques.

My goals as your marriage therapist are to help you:

  • Greatly diminish relationship distress
  • Feel understood and more connected to your partner
  • Look forward to each others’ company again instead of just tolerating each other
  • Feel supported
  • Get the sense back that you’re on the same side of the argument
  • Be comfortable touching each other again
  • Feel fresh understanding and new connection
  • Feel relief from the weight of long-standing conflict and distress

What makes me different from other marriage therapists?

  • I am passionate about helping couples move from negative cycles to cycles of compassion and connection.
  • I have extensive training and experience specifically in repairing marriage and love relationships that have fallen into distress.
  • The process I use focuses on gently guiding your relationship towards greater joy, compassion and understanding. There is significant research on this approach and it has been found that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery, and that 90% show significant improvement.
  • The process I use goes deep below the surface to not only resolve your issue but leads to a relationship that becomes more supportive and nurturing as time goes on.

Get to the bottom of your difficulties to find the joy, connection and compassion.
Are you ready to take the first step to create a stronger love relationship?
If so, call me at (916) 850-5084 for an appointment.




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